Alt Text: NLC CARES logo which is the words “NLC CARES” in green surrounded by two open circles in green with the shape of leaves at the top of the outside circle.


New London County Coordinated Access, Resources, Engagement and Support

Your community CARES about you!

In the face of the ongoing overdose epidemic, the NLC CARES project works to reduce discrimination and barriers to well-being faced by people who use drugs. An initiative of the Overdose Action Team of Southeastern Connecticut led by Alliance for Living, Ledge Light Health District and the City of New London, NLC CARES is rooted in harm reduction and social justice. Whether you are looking for information about substance use disorder, access to naloxone and other harm reduction supplies, tips on supporting a family member or friend - or want to connect with a CARES Navigator to learn more about treatment options in Southeastern Connecticut, we look forward to connecting with you.